
Trending Themes: Galaxies

November 18, 2020

Part of our Trending Themes series heading into 2021.

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out of this world

As we wrap up 2020, we're looking forward to new and continued trends in the design world. Just like looking up into the night sky, this year reminded us how small, yet interconnected we all are. In literature, stars are often symbols of protection and positive energy, something we can all hope for in 2021.

Astronomy from Trove.

Astronomy from Glazed Basalto.

twinkle, twinkle little star

Far beyond a fleeting fad, humans have been fascinated with the night sky since ancient times.

Serendipity from Sister Parish.

Constellations from Reve D'Orient.

Orion from Studio Line Quick Ship.


After a stressful year, getting swept away by a whimsical pattern is a must. From cute ceramics to delicate mosaics, we're excited to interpret the galaxies theme in tile.

Bahia mosaic from Encore.

Etolie from Reve D'Orient.


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